Favourite Book 📚:
Geronimo Stilton 🐭
2019/2020 Clubs/Teams 💛:
- ECA 💭
- Football team ⚽
- Captian ball team 🏐
- Dance team for Honours Day 🕺
- Librarian 📖
Most impactfull educational journey moment 🎒:
The most influential moment of Adithya's educational journey was when he joined Havil International school. He did not know how to speak English because back in India, he used to speak only in Malayalam. He found it very hard to speak with others when he entered Havil, but his teachers and friends helped him improve over the years.
He might not know some words still but his friends teach and help him.
Most fond memory in Havil 🏫:
The most fond memory for Adithya was when he was in Year 3 and it was the end of the first term.
He and his mother were about to meet Adithya's teacher.
His mother asked "Did you do well?" and he answered with "Yes, I did my best." When they went in, his teacher said hello and they sat down. Then the teacher passed out Adithya's grades and said that he had done very well for all of his subjects and told his mother that she wished that all of her students would be like Adithya.
Plans to prepare secondary school 🚌:
- He plans to study more
- To try to get full marks for everything - To never give up
- He will try to study the topic before the teacher does it
Future goals 🔮:
- To be good in his studies and score good marks to make his parents and my teachers proud 💯
- To be good at sports so that he can help his team win all the games and get first place every time 🏅
Shout outs ✊:
Adithya would like to thank all of his friends and teachers for what they have done to help him learn more things every day.
he would also like to thank the Yellow House members for helping him with his sports skills.