Favourite Book 📚:
Harry Potter 🦉
2019/2020 Clubs/Teams 💚:
- Performing arts 🎭
- Captain ball 🏐
- Dancing and Singing for Honours Day 🕺
- Being a mummy for International Day 🌏
- Flea Market Event 💰
Most impactful educational journey moment 🎒:
The most impactful moment of Etienne's educational journey was when he first started schooling in Havil. It was a better school than his previous school which was a public Chinese school and it wasn't the friendliest school he had gone to. The teachers were strict and he didn’t understand anything they were saying as they were talking in Chinese.
Etienne feels that Havil is probably the best primary school that anyone can go to.
Most fond memory in Havil 🏫:
Etienne's most fond memory in Havil was during International Day 2019/2020 because Jacob and himself were mummies and he scared people.
Plans to prepare secondary school 🚌:
- He was looking at another school that he liked, however, he has requested to stay for another year in Havil as they have not confirmed on a secondary school yet.
Future goals 🔮:
- Travel all of UK with five dogs 🐕
- Go diving 🥽
- Become an actor or an animator and become a little bit famous 🎬
- Watch at least 200 different anime before he turns 30 💭
- Try to make a 20-pound bowl of spaghetti for Guinness World Records 🍝
Shout outs ✊:
Etienne would have to thank all of his teachers for supporting him during hard times and all his friends who kept him sane.
He would also like to thank his parents for sending him to Havil.